2011年12月28日 星期三

Create Control of the Pole Vector

1.Create Nurbs Primitves>circle,set Radius to1.5 in the inputs of the Channels Box.

2.Rename the circle to "L_leg_poleCtrl"

3.Hold "v"key and Move the Contrl  to joints of  the L_hip

and then move a little from body,keep alignment

4.Choose Edit>Delete All By Type>Non-Deformer History

5.Modify>Freeze Transformation

6.Select L_leg_poleCtrl then select L leg ikhandle

7.Chosse Constrain>Pole Vector(Note that  L leg ikhandle is no keyframe in timeline)


2011年12月24日 星期六

Mocap in LW

IKBooster 在Mocap的作用

1.import the BVH file to get the Skeleton

2.用ikbooster delete bvh的motion data,要選all term,在時間軸除0外,delete所有key則可以。

3.replace the null with the character

4.frame 0,use the bone tools (tip move)to make the skeleton fit the new character

5.reload the BVH files

6.use IKB copy the motion from the BVH file directly to my character rig

Lightwave 光暈效果


在image editor的advanced glow intensity:100%

在processing的intensity:50%,glow radius:10.0pixels

Crack it


Send a sequence to Encore to create a DVD, Blu-ray Disc, or SWF

Note: Before you begin, make sure that Encore is installed on the same computer as Premiere Pro.
  1. In Premiere Pro, select a sequence.
  2. (Optional) Add Encore chapter markers, if desired. See Add Encore chapter markers.
  3. (Optional) If you are producing a sequence for standard-definition output that includes high-definition clips, select Maximum Render Quality before using Dynamic Link to send the sequence to Encore for DVD authoring. This does not apply to HD sequences that use Dynamic Link for Blu-Ray Disc authoring.
  4. Choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Send To Encore.
  5. On the Basic tab in the New Project dialog box, type a name for the disc into the Name field.
  6. (Optional) Click Browse and browse to a location for the Encore project, to change it from the default location.
  7. In the Project Settings pane, select the name of the authoring mode desired.
    The sets of options available in the Settings area and on the Advanced tab depend on whether Blu-ray or DVD is the authoring mode.
    Note: The authoring mode can be changed at any time in Encore, in the Project Settings dialog box.
  8. (Optional) Click Advanced, and select the desired transcoding settings.
  9. Click OK.
    Premiere Pro starts Encore. The Encore Project panel contains the dynamically linked Premiere Pro project and sequence.
  10. Finish authoring and exporting in Encore. For more information about using Encore to author and build DVDs, Blu-ray discs and SWF files, see Encore Help.

2011年12月21日 星期三

Fix the skin weights Using the Component Editor

1.Test the movement of your character by selecting controllers and translating or rotating them around.
2.Determine if joints are affecting the wrong area of geometry

Note:The main areas for shared weights are usually in the legs and feet,the head and shoulder, or the finger.Basically,anywhere when you have parallel areas of geometry and joints.

in this example,the head geomertyis being affected by both the shoulder,arm.wrist joints.so there is a pulling of the geometry.

3.Select the vertices that are being affected incorrectly.

4.Choose Windows>General Editors>Component Editor and click on the Smooth Skin tab

5.in the top list,findthe joints that affecting these points and should not be.Click on the box,then" 0".
in this example,select the row of the head ,then type "1",other row,type"0"

6.repeat this for other affectted areas ,Finish.

Modify skin weights

1.select model
2.select Skin>Edit Smooth Skin>Paint Skin Weights Tool Setting

3.Select right_arm_root in the influences list.

4.Set the Mode to Paint,then set Paint Operation to Add.

5. hold "shift"or"Ctrl"key and paint area that are being affected incorrectly

6.repeat this for other joints


  1. 開啟剪取工具
  2. 選取新增,然後按ESC
  3. 拉下要用的菜單
  4. 按CTRL鍵及Print Screen(MAC WINDOWS :F14)

Creating Animation Controls

Animation controls allow easy to the charater for posing and animating

1.Create>nurbs primitives>circle,rename LFootCtrl

2.move the circle to the ankle joint,you can use snap to point

3.Freeze transformations

4.Select R_footCtrl  ,and then select ikhandle,choose Constrain>point

5.test the LFootCtrl

6.Select R_footCtrl   ,and then select Ankle joints,choose Constrain>orient setting

7.now,can rortate the ankle
